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tv   [untitled]    December 27, 2012 7:00am-7:30am EST

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and the. government which human rights groups called on the kingdom to release all of them and stop the. peace envoy to syria calls for a transitional government to take over. right here in moscow. and the northeast feels the financial pinch even as the country scrambles out of recession with. regional regeneration.
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it is a pleasure to have you with us here today i'm. live in moscow. top story now for you are the sentences for dozens of people who took part in antigovernment rallies last year but the move however has failed to satisfy local activists who according to the release of all political prisoners human rights groups are urging the kingdom to stop using tear gas and torture interrogations and its crackdown on public gatherings i want one. who ultimately benefits from the two years of unrest. well when it came to supporting calls for democracy in middle eastern and north african states while denouncing government sponsored violence leaders of the west were vocally critical from our graphic has lost legitimacy to lead and he must
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leave out a very clear message for president to said which is it is time for him to go but when scenes of violent clashes between riot police and reform campaigners came from bahrain the definition of democracy shifted and there was a suspicious response in the summer the u.s. state department came up with a statement expressing its concerns over the human rights situation and alleged torture in bahrain this was only several months after washington had restarted weapons sales to this gulf state dissenters in bahrain have been directing anger at their government for months but now stop arming the killers is a message they are more often sending out to the west so much of the impending blood is worthless and the libyan blood is more important it's just a book critical stand so here youssif often travels to europe to direct attention to what. and in his country he and others like him have managed to alert human
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rights organizations but that's as far as it goes go month ago. clinton made a statement about bahrain about the human rights situation in bahrain and this. one protester was killed you know and show you that there is no impact on the ground we are a victim and bahrain because we live in a country they condemn the violence committed by the bahraini government against the peaceful protests there and beheading but that is still continuing for decades bahrain has been one of washington's closest allies in the gulf its naval base houses the u.s. fifth fleet and six thousand troops in a seemingly irreversible decision made decades ago despite a growing anti-american mood among some of bahrain's neighbors anything happens the bush era plan or any of the other plans that there are allegations of a nuclear weapon being built we are very close to all of those sites and we have to make the right decision in preventing any kind of catastrophe coming here we are or
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are not capable of doing that and that's why we turn to our friends and allies and officials firmly deny that washington plays a decisive role in preventing any revolution happening in bahrain but even the bahraini government's information minister suggests the us main fact be playing a double game. i think the iranian opposition is a key ally of the us leader of the opposition and the terrorist members of the opposition have close ties with foreign embassies in bahrain we can leak some of the old many documents proving that if this is true then washington sitting comfortably it can quickly switch sides but for now the opposition in bahrain is left to wonder as to why calls to support democracy from some are less worthy of attention than others like see russia ski r.t. reporting from the kingdom of bahrain. now she might have been executed on wednesday no one knows because the deadline set by the syrian rebels to receive
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ransom for a captive ukrainian journalist passed without a word on what's happening to her civilians in the media are increasingly being caught in the crossfire of the twenty one month old conflict with the rebels and government trading fresh accusations of atrocities a middle east correspondent paula slayer explains. there is growing concern as to the fate of a ukrainian journalist. who was taken captive by syrian rebels two months ago in october now a second deadline has a hospital out the ransom being paid what the rebel group holding her is asking for is some fifty million dollars then accusing her of being a russian and a syrian spy and they've already released some two youtube videos in which she does appear it was an earlier deadline that was extended to wednesday but as i say this has passed we are hearing from the ukrainian foreign ministry that it is on involved in talks for her release but that they're not releasing any kind of information we do know that ukrainian journalists have directly been appealing and
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talking to the syrian opposition to release her and if not from these two at least keep her safe until they do so now of course the rebels almost strangers to kidnapping foreigners but there are two russians who are currently being held captive they were taken out last week and moscow is trying to secure their release and then of course it was the n.b.c. crew that also managed to escape the rebel captives they were helped held for several days and they were also threatened with execution it's not just kidnappings that the rebels have increased but certainly they have increased the kind of violent activities they've been conducting there's been a flurry of videos appearing on you tube in which we've witnessed the rebels executing various people and some of the videos that prisoners are flying full good we've seen videos of them behaving people and we constantly hear reports coming out of syria with each side accusing the other of perpetrating calamities indeed what we've witnessing happening in syria is a media war is
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a misinformation moretti is increasingly difficult to verify the rebels themselves on not innocent in fact they target guilty as a lot of these as of yet unconfirmed videos so if you do suggest. reporting that right now international efforts to bring about an end to the syrian conflict are being stepped up a high ranking syrian delegation is reportedly in moscow for talks with russia's foreign minister but of course a lot of now that you've got to spin off following what has to be said or you go it's certainly to some degree in mystery here to understand as we all know for a just now that russia's been trying to mediate some sort of peace deal in syria what is the next step. well the syrian deputy foreign minister is in town meeting with russia she diplomats unfortunately there are many details from this meeting since it is being held behind closed doors we do know however the international envoy on syria. we've been calling on both sides of the
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conflict to put their weapons down on monday with president assad he said that he had a positive feeling and that something good was happening there's speculation that they discussed a peaceful transition of power which me allegedly to forming a transitional government with representatives from both the authorities and the opposition we don't know whether that's what russian and syrian diplomats have been discussing with of course as soon as we get any details from this meeting bring them to you. mr brahimi himself is expected in the russian capital on saturday and in general moscow has a good chance of mediating this since it's been in contact with both the syrian authorities and with the opposition while most western countries have denounced president. the syrian government. official forty. percent of central moscow thank you. now it's a looking like
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a prospect for britain's northeast it's not sharing in the country's financial recovery with many laid off and left on the breadline as we report just a bit later on here on our city. france says no to calls for help from its former colony the central african republic but later here on the program we idolize how western patrons treat local governments in the insurgency played between. if you're from my generation or younger and you were born into the one percent that i have a lot of college debt i sure do you know the deal used to be that you paid a significant amount for education but in turn that gave you a much higher salary later but now the system works in reverse many young americans
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studied very hard to not make any money at all around nine percent of americans with student loans have defaulted and at least nine but maybe up to eighteen percent are ninety days late with their payments given the situation the people at u.c. berkeley were nice enough to give away a million dollars in scholarships for everyone everyone that's an illegal immigrant yeah that's right if you're born in america then pay till you die but jump the border and enjoy the red carpet education treatment the people who would be getting the scholarships are mostly the children of illegal immigrants who spent many of their formative years in america and yeah i could see the logic that could be hard for them to get an education when their when they aren't citizens but they came into the country illegally it isn't taxpayers jobs to help them but wait berkeley is a private institution so i guess they can give out the money to whoever they want whenever they want however they want but berkeley management if you're watching this i would really appreciate if you chose some financial mercy to american citizens it isn't
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like they don't need the help but that's just my opinion. there are parts of the country not sharing in the turnaround people in the
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britain's poorest region the northeast are still feeling the bite iraq three times more attempted suicide than in the entire london area after you sir first want to see why the situation looks so bleak. as he'll saying interesting days it's grim up north it's a perception of life in some of the nation's other major cities recessions hit the case hard it's been in the northeast where it's being felt particularly acutely. that is right. here i mean you know the very people who are living on the poverty line trade union leader furious with the government's decision to close sunderland's rempel a factory it's a government venture that began back in the nine hundred forty s. to provide employment the people with disabilities two weeks before christmas the government announced that they were going to close. in factories and leaves
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a very bleak uncertain future for disabled workers stubs was laid off from another rempel a factory back in april and she says the government of forcing people out of paid jobs and onto a life of well. not. all good jobs. yeah in fact just four people from his old factory found a job it's not the first time the northern workers have felt the firm hand of a conservative government back in the 1980's in the miners' strike and the margaret thatcher became a symbol of a divided nation this mining village in the living museum in the north east gives us a snapshot of the past it's been nearly three decades since margaret thatcher and her conservative government crushed the miners' unions the impact that her policies had on the north east was extreme and long felt and even today there are many people
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who still have a deep mistrust of the conservative government the conservatives reputation up here is one that's hard to shake and it makes it hard for them to get a fair hearing on any plans to regenerate to find out more we decided it was time to pay a visit to number ten i was shocked at the level of understanding on the conservative benches of how people who live in. the northeast. visit the areas very often and i think they have a completely different view of how people's lives are but government accused of not understanding the north but isn't that your job to represent the things to be a fair bit the bickering that goes on among northern m.p.'s. well i mean having an accent in the house of commons you know i've got quite happy ducks and but that sort of you get sneers when you have an accent and you speak in the commons from
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the government benches so that in itself is just an example of how the mismatch between the two sides of the government insists it's treating grace in the area seriously and his earmarks money for infrastructure projects targeting the northeast in particular but a legacy of letdowns has left many northerners less than an seized. the government says this is going up and this is a waste of it is our. it's a complete shambles so all in it together or any nation divided one thing seems certain that with many predicting an increase in unemployment and a triple dip recession for the ek the challenge is if the year ahead looks to be testing times for everyone third party fund low and. so just turning a quarter past four in the afternoon here in moscow france has refused to help the
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central african republic to fight off the rebels closing in on its capital president francois hollande said that paris is only protecting its own interests and not the regime of the local protesters angry at a lack of action attacked at the french embassy lawrence freeman from the executive intelligence review magazine says this is an example of how colonial powers are hindering the development of sovereignty in this unstable breach these developments do not occur overnight this is been brewing for years the french are playing a very bad role and if they give become militarily again in the central african republic that's not going to help for african countries are going to have to move in and saudis brown i think the french have a right to their embassy but beyond that if they become. it's not going to be helpful to the central african republic or any of the neighboring countries of the c.l.r. what's going on there is what's been going on in most of the countries in the region
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which is that you have very unstable governments these countries have never become sovereign the colonial powers france and to be regrown or power grid have kept their finger on the resources of these countries and they basically have never allowed these countries to develop for government and they would develop the country for the people who are economically. now russia says the next generation of spacecraft design it's ready it's completely rebranding a new suit but space ship capable of flying to the international space station but all the way to the moon a much more details on that about his website. plus also on line a russian family sues a british. bentley for failing to live to its claims of luxury this after a defective air bag claimed the life of one man. that.
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i owe. her.
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well into the future this month high tech help with the latest laser cutters on lifesaving heart russian innovators are working hard to keep you healthy for some companies it's been a winding road from car simulators to cutting edge training systems for others it's been a lifetime of work along the mysteries of the skull check it all out on technology we've got the future. more news today violence is once again flared up. in these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets in canada. the giant corporations are today.
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thanks for joining us here on r.t.e. today straight into the world up there we go now some other global headlines for you in brief starting with the opposition in egypt it has dismissed president morsi as call for dialogue claiming he didn't offer any real substance it was on wednesday morsi delivered his first national address after signing in the new charter hailing it as paving the road to democracy and calling the vote transparent over the opposition slam the referendum as facile and insisted the new constitution allows dictatorship by the islamic majority of the new charter has cleared the way to a parliamentary election promising to heightened tension in the deeply polarized country . to iraq now where tens of thousands of sunni muslims have blocked the country's main trade route to neighboring syria and jordan protesters want equal rights and accuse the shia led government of leading the country into sectarian conflict ever mass rallies were sparked following the arrest of a senior sunni officials. guards. nicaragua has ordered the
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evacuation of several hundred families living near san cristobal the country's tallest volcano and the giant has started to erupt spewing gas and largest clouds prompting a yellow alert to be ordered five kilometers around the epicenter despite warnings that over more significant eruption more than a thousand farmers have refused to flee. festive atmosphere has been reaching new heights as you can see right here the screw enjoying the holiday spirit of the way up over our heads of the team on the international space station held their traditional video conference with russia's father frost just ahead of a new year's celebrations and they are they want to show you all over the next five months holding scientific experiments in space walks but for now it's a bit of down time and free up time during the holiday season.
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now the afghan foreign ministry says the country has lost over seventy million dollars in tax because foreign firms linked to nato are not paying their dues and the report says tax dodgers who rely on the u.s. led alliance to keep the ball off their backs but political analyst and former afghan m.p. sultanzoy says local politicians are equally to blame what was going on in two thousand and one two thousand and two when the interim authority came to existence in this country they signed deals exempting some of these companies we were dealing with need to and i say and then under that umbrella many other companies came and started. carpetbagging and backpacking. illegitimate gains never paid taxes this is not new and this government will never have the guts to collect taxes from those rogue companies just in aviation alone. there are dozens and dozens of companies who are bringing passengers and cargo to this country and
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who are bringing other goods and they have never paid any taxes they've never paid even landing fees in some cases they haven't paid or flight fees this is just aviation and you can imagine in other fields of commerce in. fuel and transportation and logistics and security in other arenas in all arenas there. are there are scaping and this government also sometimes gives them some reprieve by reducing their taxes and by reducing their taxes. now as two thousand and twelve draws to a close we continue to look at all the events that shaped it today our news teams recall the launch of julian assange just program a broadcast exclusively here on r.t. the wiki leaks founder gave voice to a prominent figures typically shunned by the mainstream media while he was still under house arrest in london.
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it was right on the new year's eve when i went to london to see june to discuss the news so. i'm julie in the sun. it's true she wakes we've exposed the world secret destocking us from the very beginning when it became the only high profile show stayed strong with a lot of its as a boss or so we created this web page with big video player and video feeds containing trailers teasers sneak peeks most shows tend to have a spike and then go down to both mars itself online and you with your keeps climbing it and quite a lot of study about it i think will be viewed in historical terms that this was
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quite an important piece of the julian assange show gains over a one million visits and views online and believe me for an interview news show it's kind of an achievement never before thought we had anything like that on t.v. when one person sitting on the house the rapture would give voice to quiet quite a few people around the world whose position of the world doesn't fit in the mainstream you to picture. oh i coming up after a short break here and stacy exposing the dark secrets of the global finance industry well never a dull moment with these two. does
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over what seems like and list forest but here in new directions crime hundred kilometers north of la de vos stalk as in much of the law matters is disappearing at a catastrophic rate. mortgages both illegal and those finding ways to outsmart the system for filing down the forest of the poor region for them profit goes well beyond the future of our planet and the result could be an ecological crisis we are on the hunt for illegal loggers and it's not going to be easy to forests. and our chances are slim now for now we can stay in our dreams but as soon as we find solid tracks we'll have to drop our wheels and get out silently in order not to scare the loggers off alexander someone in ca has been a ranger for over twenty five years he can spend weeks at a time tracking a single group of loggers easier to work when snow falls in autumn it's impossible
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to find human tracks and even transport tracks are hard to see after hours of driving we get sent in the right direction by word of mouth you can see that the ground is soft here which means that they have twelve the tractor trails are very fresh which in fact means that we need to be quiet in order to not scare them off as we get closer. to. this team says they're legal but have no documents now xander can now call the police to take over his work here is done he is overwhelmingly outnumbered there are too few rangers working in the region and the w w f a says the government isn't doing enough to stop it. no one tries to stop them in just five years the force will be gone what will the people who live after . it's a question more and more people are aware of today climate change in the safety of our environment as a whole are being discussed around the world and perhaps it's those small steps
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that might be a start to people living in harmony with nature. welcome to the kaiser report and i'm max kaiser so you wrote this long introduction for me on the teleprompter is this part of the show but yes i did i'm just checking ok so according to wikipedia boxing day is traditionally the day following christmas day when servants and tradesmen would receive gifts from their superiors or employers known as a christmas box this year the elite have given the peasants forty five bed banker apples but not a single rico case on the city's boxing day fraud box but the elite hank paulson
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hank give me seven hundred billion on the market gets it paulson says boy oh boy wait till you see what he's handing out to the people of chicago this is your exactly max hank paulson you know moved to chicago he's back in chicago and i know it is boxing day the day that traditionally the elites go around the city and give all the minions the peasants you know present and here i think this could be him woman attacked in chicago by a man with a sock full of human crap the woman who is a twenty year old woman she said he had a sock full of his poop on me it was everywhere on my face my hair my clothes. hank paulson in chicago he's filling in socks which are probably brooks brothers or armani but his own poop and he's riding the subways battering people with that so he could be the next tony.


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